Report on network event in the Netherlands with Brazilian students


Report on network event in the Netherlands with Brazilian students

On 13 December 2013 DutchCulture centre for international cooperation organized a network event at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam for art professionals and in particular Brazilian students on art, culture and design that are currently studying in the Netherlands. The event was realized by DutchCulture’s Brazil Desk - in collaboration with the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, to support cultural cooperation between Brazil and the Netherlands. 

At the event journalist and programme maker Katinka Baehr interviewed on stage Janneke van der Wijk, director of the Conservatorium van Amsterdam, alongside several talented Brazilian students:

  • Adib Corrêa Vera, trombone student at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam 
  • Sarah Daher, contextual design student at the Design Academy Eindhoven
  • Flávia Evangelista de Azevedo, fine arts student at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam
  • Nina Bessa Giglio, student architecture studying Fashion & Branding at the Amsterdam Fashion Institute
  • Estéfano Romani Hernández, dance-choreography student at the School for New Dance Development - Theaterschool in Amsterdam
  • Joana Ozorio de Almeida Meroz, PhD candidate on Dutch design at the VU University Amsterdam


Partnership between the conservatories of São Paulo and Amsterdam

The Conservatorium van Amsterdam and the Escola de Música do Estado de São Paulo – Tom Jobim (EMESP), established a long-term partnership, explained Amsterdam conservatory director Janneke van der Wijk. “Where São Paulo’s conservatory EMESP is very good at educating children musically on a high level from a young age and onwards, the Conservatorium van Amsterdam is known for bringing students to top levels. Our partnership is based on exchange. We learn from each other and exchange knowledge and expertise, teachers and students.“ [Read more in the Janneke van der Wijk interview: “Our collaboration with the conservatory of São Paulo is unique”]

Introducing the Brazilian students 

Trombone student Adib studied at São Paulo’s conservatory EMESP, as well as at the Academia de Música da OSESP, the Orquestra Sinfônica do Estado de São Paulo. Last year he started his four-year bachelor programme in the Netherlands: “What I like a lot here are the facilities the Amsterdam conservatory has the students to offer. This afternoon we had a recording session in one of the buildings’ rooms with great acoustics.”

Contextual design master student Sarah in her first year now, appreciates the facilities at the Design Academy Eindhoven: “There are different workshops at the academy where we can work with wood, metal or ceramics for example. I like the balance in my studies between the focus on design itself and design within cultural and social contexts. Where I studied product design in Brazil and Spain before – I got my bachelor’s degree in Barcelona, I found a focus on either one of them.”

Fine arts student Flávia studied in Rio the Janeiro where she received a bachelor’s degree in film and cinema. At the Gerrit Rietveld Academie in the second year of her bachelor, she works on video installations. “Here I learn to focus on the process, and not the end result of my work what I used to fixate on in Brazil. It is not easy to let go, but I find it extremely valuable for my development as an artist.“

Architecture student Nina experiences process orientation in her course Fashion & Branding at the Amsterdam Fashion Institute. She is here for a year, through the Brazilian government’s programme Science without Borders. “We must thoroughly report on all steps towards the final result of our works. I am not used to work in this way, but it is something I would like to continue in Brazil. At the fashion institute I learn how to set up and visualize a brand strategy. In my own country you cannot study branding separately from fashion design, that’s why I am glad to be able to do so in the Netherlands.”

Dance-choreography student Estéfano, after his graduation in theatre in São Paulo, looked abroad for studies in choreography in more experimental ways than he encountered in Brazil. He is delighted to be a student since this year at the School for New Dance Development, part of the Theaterschool in Amsterdam. “The school is very international, I am happy with the possibility here to build up a worldwide network.”

PhD candidate Joana works at the relatively new department Design Cultures at the VU University Amsterdam with colleagues from all over the world. Her research The History of the Construction of the Idea of 'Dutch Design' in the Context of International Cultural Policy (1970-2012) is funded by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO). Joana holds a bachelor in fine arts from the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and a master in design (cum laude) from the Design Academy Eindhoven before earning her research master at the VU (cum laude).

Joana: “I started my research two years ago, so it is too early to draw conclusions. Nevertheless, the idea of Dutch Design has not been fixed from the start, so this means that we can--and should--develop more generous approaches to Dutch Design history, approaches that take into account the country’s cultural and material diversity.”

Getting in touch with Dutch and Brazilian students

The Brazilian students enjoy studying in the Netherlands, though most of them study and live in an international environment and do not mix much with Dutch students. Even with almost a thousand Brazilian students currently studying in the Netherlands, they know few other Brazilians, probably because design and art schools are generally small. The interest in each other is present however and after the official programme of DutchCulture’s network event had ended - with a beautiful piece of music played by trombonist Adib, the students and other participants had animated conversations with one another.

Are you a Brazilian student on art, culture and design studying in the Netherlands? We like to get to know you! Don’t hesitate to contact the Brazil Desk, through the contact form on our website. You can also become part of our network by registering yourself and/or subscribe to our digital newsletter to stay informed on cultural exchange between Brazil and the Netherlands.

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Interview & text by: Josine Backus

Photos: Noortje Schmit

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