United Kingdom
United Kingdom and the Netherlands
The United Kingdom remains a magnet for artists and creative entrepreneurs. The country is a priority country in the Netherlands’ International Cultural Policy 2025-2028. The strategy aims at an increasingly strong and recognisable presence for art, the creative industry and professionals from the Netherlands in places in the United Kingdom.
As an international cultural metropolis, London has tremendous pulling power; almost every country in the world is culturally represented there. The United Kingdom shares a long history of cultural exchange with the Netherlands; this dates back to the seventeenth century, when British royal houses opened their courts to Dutch Masters, architects, designers and scholars. But nowadays as well, British organisations invite Dutch artists and creative entrepreneurs to collaborate with them.
Because of the stiff competition in the United Kingdom, Dutch artists have to work hard for recognition, and once they achieve it, work hard to remain in the spotlights. While London may be the epicentre of international culture, the old industrial cities such as Manchester also offer opportunities for the Netherlands with their own festivals, stages and studios. Moreover, there is more than enough common ground between the Netherlands and the UK in the areas of heritage management, cultural education, fundraising and other forms of cultural entrepreneurship.
The Dutch Embassy in London helps identify and utilise opportunities for new makers and creative entrepreneurs, and works with programmes that help Dutch talent make it the international stage. The embassy organises work visits, workshops, seminars, press presentations and network meetings for and with Dutch cultural organisations.
The UK left the European Union on 31 January 2020. Despite the exit, expectations are that cultural exchange will remain at a high level. Read more about the impact of Brexit below, in the FAQ section.
Information & advice
Would you like to receive more information regarding opportunities for cultural exchange with the UK? Feel free to contact our advisor Astrid Mörk with your questions.
Further reading
- Webpage of the Embassy of The Kingdom of the Netherlands in the United Kingdom
- Follow the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in the United Kingdom on social media

United Kingdom at a glance
featuring 385 artists
12 months (2024)
discipline in 2024
Frequently asked questions
- Where can I find funding within the Netherlands?
Are you looking for (international) funding? Check our general funding page for different funding guides, grants and open calls, or the digital Cultural Mobility Funding Guide for the Netherlands for regional, private and international (mobility) funding.
In the Netherlands the means for international cultural cooperation are delegated to the national funds. The fund that works for your art form or discipline, has one or several subsidy schemes for internationalisation. To make sure the program fits your project, contact the advisors of the fund before starting the process of application. These are the national funds:
Design, Creative Industries, Architecture, Digital Culture
Creative Industries Fund NL
Visual Arts, Heritage
Mondriaan Fund
Theater, Dance, Music
Performing Arts Fund
Audiovisual media, Film, Documentary
Dutch Film Fund
Dutch Foundation for Literature
Participation, Education, Communal arts, Cooperations, Projects with non-professionals
Cultural Participation Fund
International Heritage Cooperation is part of the Netherlands’ international cultural policy. The embassies of the Netherlands in the partner countries have a budget for supporting local cultural heritage projects. DutchCulture manages a Matching Fund. Dutch legal entities (companies and registered freelancers) are able to apply for partial funding for an international heritage cooperation project.DutchCulture supports international heritage cooperation between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Europe. The Europe + Heritage programme offers advice, a Travel Scheme (vouchers of €350-€1000) and a General Support Scheme (maximum €5.000) for heritage professionals and heritage organisations based in the Kingdom of the Netherlands who wish to visit a European partner, invite a European partner or set up a cooperation with a European partner. Heritage can be both tangible and intangible.
More funds
The Netherlands Enterprise Agency is not a national fund but also offers on behalf of various ministries and the European Union subsidies for companies in the creative industries.- Where can I find funding within United Kingdom?
The UK has an elaborate system of art subsidies, but in order to be eligible for these financing opportunities it is in most cases necessary to have a UK based partner. Only people or institutions registered in the UK can apply for funding, unless it is noted to be otherwise. Therefore we advise you to ask your British partner organisation to apply for funding in the UK, at the Dutch Funds or at the Embassy of the Netherlands in London.
Besides that the Embassy of the Netherlands in London has an extensive network in the local cultural sector and in-depth knowledge of its cultural institutions, organisations and theatres. The embassy can advise on opportunities for cooperation. In addition, they can provide grants to local cultural institutions that present Dutch cultural works in the United Kingdom. They also help Dutch artists and creative entrepreneurs in increasing their visibility.
Doing your research beforehand and finding local partners is essential. You can use the DutchCulture Database by simply going to the search option in the upper left corner, and search for ´United Kingdom´ or any city you are interested in. This way you will see which Dutch artists are already active in which areas.
On the Move offers an elaborate mapping of funding opportunities in the UK. This guide was updated in 2023 and lists national, local and international resources, be they public or private.
- How can I promote my work in the United Kingdom?
It is a good idea to engage local professionals and publicists, that have an understanding of your art discipline, audience and region. There is a growing number of Dutch people living in the United Kingdom and many cities have a Dutch network. Using these existing networks will also help you to promote your work.
Make sure to contact the embassy to let them know about your projects. Do not forget to create a My DC account, where you can add your activities to our Cultural Database. This way you will be included in our database and become part of our network.
- What rules and regulations do I have to consider (visa, social security, taxation)?
For any information on visa, please consult the website of Arts Infopoint UK.
Social Security
The website of the Dutch Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB) offers a lot of information on social security when working internationally, with specific information for artists.
As artists are highly mobile these days, there are specific rules to avoid that one would not pay taxes. Everyone needs to pay income taxes, but when you have earned your income in different countries in which country should you pay? And how can you avoid double taxation?
The Netherlands has tax treaties with a number of countries, including the UK.
- How can I find a residency, venue at which to perform, exhibition space?
Through the DutchCulture Database you can figure out which artists from the Netherlands have worked at which venues, and start your research there. Go to the search icon on the upper left corner of the website, and search by discipline, country and city.
For residencies the organisation TransArtists, which is also a part of DutchCulture, is a great research tool. In order to successfully build an international career, and in order to find sustainable partners in a country, it is always wise to spend more than a few days somewhere. Residencies, which can last from a couple of weeks up to several months, can help you achieve this.
- How can I keep up to date with any news concerning cultural work in the United Kingdom?
For news from the British cultural sector, see Arts Council England, Creative Scotland, Arts Council of Wales and Arts Council of Northern Ireland. For more specifics on Dutch-British cultural cooperation, see the social media accounts of the Dutch Embassy in the United Kingdom, and subscibe to their newsletter.
- How does Brexit influence cultural cooperations?
The UK left the European Union on 1 January 2021. How does that influence cultural cooperations?
And what happens next? There are several scenarios possible and the impact on cultural cooperations differs in the respective options.
Below we collected some useful links for you:
• A very clear Brexit Q&A can be found on the website of the Dutch government. In Dutch here, in English here)
• Read the latest news about the negotiations on the future partnership between the European Union and the United Kingdom.
• You find here several factsheets about the consequences of the United Kingdom leaving the European Union.