The MyDC User Portal is a new feature that allows Dutch or Dutch based artists and cultural organisations to add and edit their own page and activities directly on our website and in our database. Users can add information about their organisation and can add international cultural activities they participate in. This information is automatically added to their page and tracked in the DutchCulture Database.
The DutchCulture Database tracks international activities by Dutch artists in order to understand the cultural impact of the Netherlands abroad. Activities have been collected mainly through the help of our colleagues at Dutch embassies and at the various cultural funds. While we also reach out to individual organisations and collect data via our own desk research, activities that are not connected to the funds or embassies are much more difficult to track. With the introduction of the MyDC portal, artists and arts organisations can now add their information directly, an important step in increasing the accuracy and completeness of the information in the database. It is our hope that as many Dutch artists and cultural organisations will use MyDC as possible.
If you have any questions regarding the portal or the database, please contact our database officer Erin Chang.