
Rapenburg 28
2311 EW Leiden
Stichting Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO) has about 180.000 objects from ancient times and archaeology. The four areas of collection are Egypt, the Classical Antiquity, the Ancient Near East and the Netherlands. The RMO is the largest museum of the ancient world in the Netherlands.
Date(s) Oplopend sorteren | Type | Discipline | Venue | City | Country | Title |
Lezing | Archeologie | National Museum of Australia | Canberra | Australië | Daniel Soliman - Discovering ancient Egypt: Curators in conversation | |
- | Curation | Archeologie | National Museum of Australia | Canberra | Australië | Discovering Ancient Egypt |
Lezing Hybrid | Archeologie | Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome | Rome | Italië | Annemarieke Willemsen - 1000 choices: From all of Rome to one small room | |
Lezing | Archeologie | Catholic University of Leuven | Leuven | België | Toon Sykora - Post-Amama in de collectie van het RMO | |
Lezing | Archeologie | Agence nationale de la recherche | Paris | Frankrijk | Luc Amkreutz - Views on social differentation between the domestic life and the dead in the LBK | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Museum of Civilizations of Europe and the Mediterranean | Marseille | Frankrijk | Une autre histoire du monde |
Lezing | Archeologie | Aarhus University | Aarhus | Denemarken | Annemarieke Willemsen - Living with a River: The Dutch Emporium of Dorestad in the Early Middle Ages | |
Lezing | Archeologie | Free University of Berlin | Berlin | Duitsland | David Kertai - Assyiran Enuchs: social castration as imperial strategy | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie de Besançon | Besançon | Frankrijk | Les lettres séquanes |
Lezing | Archeologie | Händel Halle | Halle | Duitsland | Eliza Jacobi - The life and drama of the Papyrus of Qenna | |
Tour | Archeologie | Art & History Museum | Brussels | België | Toon Sykora - Expiditie Egypte | |
Lezing Hybrid | Archeologie | UK Research and Innovation | London | Verenigd Koninkrijk | Luc Amkreutz - Displaying Doggerland. The evocation of a million years of stones and bones | |
Lezing | Archeologie | Egyptian Museum Turin | Turin | Italië | Daniel Soliman - Palaeographic and orthographic observations in in the textual decoration of yellow coffins in the RMO | |
- | Lezing | Archeologie | Avansa Limburg | Hasselt | België | Toon Sykora - Basiscursus Egyptische hiërogliefen |
Lezing Hybrid | Archeologie | University of Leeds | Leeds | Verenigd Koninkrijk | Annemarieke Willemsen - Rosaries as reliquaries in archaeology and art | |
Lezing Online | Archeologie | Museum of London Archaeological Archive | London | Verenigd Koninkrijk | Eliza Jacobi - The start of a large conservation project of a collection of archaeological leather from Roman times in the Netherlands | |
Lezing | Archeologie | Western Australian Museum | Welshpool | Australië | Daniel Soliman - Discovering Ancient Egypt | |
- | Tentoonstelling - Solo | Archeologie | WA Museum Boola Bardip | Perth | Australië | Discovering Ancient Egypt |
Lezing | Archeologie | Louvre | Paris | Frankrijk | Sasja van der Vaart-Verschoof - Research into the colors and patterns of Dutch mineralized iron age textiles | |
Lezing | Archeologie | University of Copenhagen | Copenhagen | Denemarken | Luc Amkreutz - The Neolithic burial of Stein (Dutch Limburg) and its European connections | |
Lezing | Archeologie | Le centre de conservation due Louvre à Liévin | Lievin | Frankrijk | Helbertijn Krudop - Stand van zaken en conservering mummiekisten in het RMO | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Metropolitan Museum of Art | New York | Verenigde Staten | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | LVR-Archaeological Park | Xanten | Duitsland | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Musée Royal de Mariemont | Morlanwelz | België | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Museo Civico Archeologico di Bologna | Bologna | Italië |
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