
Rapenburg 28
2311 EW Leiden
Stichting Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO) has about 180.000 objects from ancient times and archaeology. The four areas of collection are Egypt, the Classical Antiquity, the Ancient Near East and the Netherlands. The RMO is the largest museum of the ancient world in the Netherlands.
Date(s) Oplopend sorteren | Type | Discipline | Venue | City | Country | Title |
Archeologie | Louvre | Paris | Frankrijk | |||
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Ärchäologisches Museum | Münster | Duitsland | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Pointe-à-Callière | Montreal | Canada | Exhibition: Queens of Egypt |
Archeologie | International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East | Munich | Duitsland | |||
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Xpo Center Bruges | Bruges | België | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | National Museum of Natural History | Paris | Frankrijk | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | J. Paul Getty Museum | Los Angeles | Verenigde Staten | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | LWL Museum of Archeology | Herne | Duitsland | |
Archeologie | Fordham University | New York | Verenigde Staten | |||
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Metropolitan Museum of Art | New York | Verenigde Staten | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Archaeological Civic Museum (MCA) of Bologna | Bologna | Italië | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Time and Tide Museum | Great Yarmouth | Verenigd Koninkrijk | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | LVR-Archaeological Park | Xanten | Duitsland | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Musée Royal de Mariemont | Morlanwelz | België | |
Lezing | Archeologie | Conference Urban Religion in Late Antiquity | Erfurt | Duitsland | Lecture by National Museum of Antiquities at Conference Urban Religion in Late Antiquity | |
Lezing | Archeologie | Conference Archaeology in Museums and National Identities in Europe (1848-1914) | Saint-Germain-en-Laye | Frankrijk | Lecture by National Museum of Antiquities at Conference Archaeology in Museums and National Identities in Europe | |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Western Australian Museum | Welshpool | Australië | Exhibition by National Museum of Antiquities at Western Australian Museum |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Musée Lorrain | Nancy | Frankrijk | Exhibition by National Museum of Antiquities at Musée Lorrain |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | La Maison de l'Archéologie | Dainville | Frankrijk | Exhibition by National Museum of Antiquities at La Maison de l'Archéologie |
- | Uitlening | Archeologie | Museum of Culture | Milan | Italië | Exhibition by National Museum of Antiquities at Museum of Culture |
Lezing | Archeologie | CIPEG annual meeting | Chicago | Verenigde Staten | Lecture by National Museum of Antiquities at CIPEG | |
Lezing | Archeologie | Colloquium Magdalen College | Oxford | Verenigd Koninkrijk | Lecture by National Museum of Antiquities at Colloquium Magdalen College | |
Lezing | Archeologie | International Medieval Congress | Leeds | Verenigd Koninkrijk | Lecture by National Museum of Antiquities at IMC | |
Lezing | Archeologie | York University Department of History | Toronto | Canada | Lecture by National Museum of Antiquities at York University | |
Lezing | Archeologie | National Archaeological Museum | Saint-Germain-en-Laye | Frankrijk | Lecture by National Museum of Antiquities at Musée archéologie Nationale |
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