Filmsector biedt mooie online alternatieven tijdens coronacrisis: #CreativeEuropeAtHome
The Social Distancing Festival is an online artist’s community, to celebrate the work of artists around the world affected by the need for social distancing.
A call to take necessary measures for the cultural and creative sectors affected by the coronavirus
Een brief als oproep om noodzakelijke maatregelen te nemen voor de culturele en creatieve sector. 
In times of the COVID-19 virus, international cultural cooperation seems stuck. But is it? In the spotlight: examples of Dutch art abroad without travelling.
Creative Europe agentschap deelt presentatie voor aanvragers
Of bekijk de andere MEDIA-filmtips
Maatregelen om verspreiding COVID-19 te voorkomen
Nederlandse Audiovisuele Producenten Alliantie van start
Britse organisaties kunnen nog tot en met eind van dit jaar een aanvraag doen bij Creative Europe
Our Brexit event this February showed that the freedom of movement of people, goods and services across the Channel will not be as evident as it was before.
DutchCulture and De Balie launched the third edition of the Forum on European Culture, taking place from 17-20 September in Amsterdam.
The Hakawy Festival for Chrildren in Egypt and Belfast Children's Festival present a Dutch focus with 15 performances from the Netherlands.
'Impossible Journeys' will be on display at the Museum of Moscow until 29 March 2020. This project was funded by the Shared Cultural Heritage Matching Fund.
The English version of the Dutch government's new International Cultural Policy is now available.