As a result of the efforts of the collaborative project Never Grow Up!, five Dutch groups find their way to Washington, USA, for a season-long focus.
De Netherlands Film Production Incentive draagt bij aan een toename van investeringen in de Nederlandse filmindustrie.
On 28 February, Pavel Kouzmine of the Netherlands Embassy in Moscow received an award from the Foundation for Cultural Inventory (SCI).
July 2019 marks 400 years since VOC commander Frederik Houtman reached Western Australia and became the first European to set foot on the Houtman Abrolhos.
We signalised three general assumptions about Dutch cultural exchange in Germany and fact-checked them with our database. The outcome might surprise you.
Wat verandert er na de Brexit voor culturele organisaties, collectieven, individuele kunstenaars en culturele professionals in de samenwerking met het VK?
Performance(s) Between Two Shores is een Creative Europe Cultuur gesteund project uitgevoerd door Dancing on the Edge
DutchCulture’s activities include a lot of travelling. That's why we have decided to compensate for the CO2 emissions of all staff flights.
In south-western India, the legend of a sunken city and the physical remnants of a proto-globalised world spark the imagination. What is the Dutch connection?
Het Series Lab is een ontwikkelings- en coproductie-event dat plaatsvindt van 17-19 juni in Hamburg.
The Russian edition of the exhibition ‘Reuse, Redevelop and Design’ turns out to be a big success in Moscow and St Petersburg in 2018.
130 aanvragen ingediend voor trainingsinitiatieven en distributie
According to cultural attaché Bas Ernst of the Dutch embassy, this interdisciplinary programme has been of great value for Dutch artists as well as for Palermo.
Twee Nederlandse projecten op de shortlist.