In September and December 2018, the Museum of the City of New York organised two teacher workshops on Dutch New Amsterdam.
The Association of Russian Museums of Memory and the Anna Akhmatova Museum shared views on storytelling with museum professionals in the Netherlands.
Joining forces with the neighbours of deBuren, DutchCulture organised a conference in Antwerp about the potential of arts and creatives in the city.
Belgium and the Netherlands joined forces in 2018 for a field research into the possible contributions that arts & culture can make to city communities.
Are you an international artist working in the Netherlands? Please fill in our survey and share your experiences in living and working here.
In 2018, the amount of Dutch cultural activities in Egypt increased sharply. How come? And who are the artists that travelled to a country unknown to them?
Photographer Cynthia Boll wins the Zilveren Camera award for her series 'Sinking Cities, Jakarta', a follow up of the project 'The People Behind The Seawall'
Wat zijn de ethische en artistieke implicaties van nieuwe media? Een essay van Constant Dullaart tijdens de presentatie van de nieuwe site van DutchCulture.
Nederlandse deelnemer: Hugo Naber van SNG Film
Bezoek de MEDIA-stand op de European Film Market
Maandag 11 februari 2019 (14.00 - 17.00 uur)
Conferentie en IFFR Pro x VR
Cinekid for Professionals ontvangt steun van Creative Europe MEDIA
Throughout 2019, Never Grow Up! presents an abundance of Dutch film, literature and performing arts for young audiences in the United States.
Interview with Jude Henderson, director of the Federation of Scottish Theatre, about Brexit and the possible consequences for the cultural sector in Scotland.