Promoters/Consultants (Chinese and Foreign)

Promoters/Consultants (Chinese and Foreign)

Most official venues and organizations listed above rely on their own in-house promotion agencies. Because of their close ties to infrastructure and reliance on actual government structures or semi-government agencies, this is often the only option available to them. Most of the “client” base will still come through the concert halls or through the promotion agencies affiliated with them.There are a number of few start-ups in private management and public relations groups for classical music and performing arts, but many expect profit as a primary, rather than secondary, goal. Furthermore, there are few truly sensitive to the needs of the arts. One of them is Wu Promotions, who have worked with exchange mostly between China and European countries. Wu Promotions most successful formulas thus far seem to be larger Chinese ensembles to Europe and small groups or individuals to China, where they have established an unofficial touring circuit in roughly six major cities, helping to bring in revenue. Wu Promotions has worked with Dutch partners on a number of occasions.There are a few notable international consultants and cultural brokers with significant experience connecting China with the outside and vice versa. These include Xu Xiaojia,- 32 -Frank Kouwenhoven and Antoinet Schimmelpenninck from Chime, Joanna Lee, Eli Marshall, Peter Micic and Cathy Barbash.