Judith van der Kooij, DutchCulture
Judith van der Kooij
Mobility Info Point Advisor
j.vanderkooij [at] dutchculture.nl




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Cultural Mobility Funding Guide.

Consortium Colonial Collections: Provenance research

Consortium Colonial Collections: Provenance research

Consortium Koloniale Collecties: Herkomstonderzoek
Funding for research into collections with a colonial origin

The Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (OCW) has made a budget available for provenance research into colonial collections. Dutch heritage institutions that manage collections—such as museums, universities, archives, and libraries—can apply for this Provenance Research Scheme through the Consortium Colonial Collections

The Consortium Colonial Collections is a partnership between five organisations with expertise in colonial collections, consisting of Museum Bronbeek, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE), Rijksmuseum and Wereldmuseum. It supports institutions administering collections in provenance research by sharing knowledge, answering questions and providing stakeholders with a network.

Provenance research into collections with a colonial origin contributes to knowledge and understanding of this heritage, to the recognition and processing of injustices, and to cooperation with countries of origin. Moreover, provenance research helps heritage institutions to better understand their own history and role in the colonial past. Additionally, provenance research forms the basis for assessing restitution requests from countries of origin.

Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba
Sint Maarten (Dutch part)
Sri Lanka
Who can apply

Dutch heritage institutions that

  • are a legal entity;
  • are non-profit organisations;
  • are based in (European) Netherlands;
  • manage collections (such as museums, universities, archives and libraries) that are publicly accessible (either during opening hours or by appointment)
  • wish to research the provenance history of collections or specific objects in their possession that are suspected to have been acquired in a colonial context;
  • wish to conduct joint provenance research in collaboration with an institution abroad, such as a museum in a country of origin. In such cases, the application must be submitted through a Dutch legal entity acting as the lead applicant.
For what
How much

 A maximum of €30,000

  • It is certain or there are indications for a colonial origin of the applicant’s (sub)collections or a specific object in the collection to be researched;
  • The applicant adheres to the ICOM Code of Ethics for Museums;
  • The applicant follows, where applicable to the specific research, the steps and recommendations outlined in the PPROCE report;
  • The applicant and the owner of the collection commit to the Dutch policy on colonial collections and will cooperate with the country of origin if the researched objects are or become part of a restitution request;
  • The research results must be recorded and made accessible in a provenance report per object or sub-collection. Upon completion, this report will be shared with the Consortium.
  • If the applying institution is not the owner of the (sub)collection to be researched, it must obtain written permission from the owner in advance to conduct the provenance research and to make the results available under the conditions of this scheme;
  • An application cannot be submitted for the funding of regular activities, including provenance research.
When to apply
Before a specific deadline
Upcoming deadline(s)
More information

Deadline application second round: 15 July 15, 2025

Last updated