Judith van der Kooij, DutchCulture
Judith van der Kooij
Mobility Info Point Advisor
j.vanderkooij [at] dutchculture.nl




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Cultural Mobility Funding Guide.

Creative Industries Fund NL: Open Call Residency Van Doesburghuis 2025

Creative Industries Fund NL: Open Call Residency Van Doesburghuis 2025

Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie: Open Oproep Residency Van Doesburghuis 2025
Funding for a four month residency program at the Van Doesburghuis in Paris

The Creative Industries Fund is one of the 6 national cultural funds. It provides grants that contribute to promoting high-quality standards, development, and professionalisation of the contemporary creative industry in the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

Since 2017, the Creative Industries Fund NL, the Netherlands Film Fund, the Performing Arts Fund, the Mondriaan Fund and the Dutch Foundation for Literature have jointly offered residency periods, via open calls, at the Van Doesburghuis in Meudon in Paris where makers and designers can further develop their artistic practice.

This open call of the Creative Indsutries Fund NL offers a working period of four months. In the studio house that Theo van Doesburg designed for himself and his wife Nelly in the late 1920s, makers and designers can undertake research, develop ideas or create new work.

The Creative Industries Fund is open to various applications, but particularly encourages proposals with conceivable scenarios for a garden design for the van Doesburg House, that reflects the avant-garde vision of the van Doesburgs. This vision revolves around a harmonious connection between architecture and nature, and at the same time responds to contemporary challenges surrounding biodiversity and circularity.

In line with Theo and Nelly’s interdisciplinary practice and multifaceted artistic expression, a collaboration with an applicant from another discipline is also possible.

Digital Culture
Who can apply

Makers and designers in the disciplines of design, architecture and digital culture in the Netherlands or the Caribean part of the Kingdom (Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao, Saba, Sint-Eustatius, Sint-Maarten). It is possible to apply as an individual applicant or as a duo (two makers, or a maker and an observer, who make work together on a structural basis). Partnerships can be considered as a duo (for this occasion), if they submit a joint plan for the working period that leads to a single result. At least one maker, designer or observer in the duo works within the design, architecture and/or digital culture sector.

For what
How much

A maximum of € 8,000


The assessment of this call takes the form of a tender. The available work period will be granted to the applicant whose application scores highest in the ranking.

For the assessment of submitted proposals, the Creative Industries Fund NL seeks advice from external advisors. They make their assessment based on the following criteria:

  • The artistic quality of the work;
  • The quality of the development plan;
  • The motivation in relation to the residency objective.
When to apply
Currently closed
Last updated