VSB Fund: Scholarships vocational education
VSB Fund: Scholarships vocational education
The VSB Fund is an endowment fund that supports social and community initiatives as well as initiatives in the field of arts and culture. Additionally, the fund provides international scholarships for socially engaged students, including students from art schools.
With its scholarships VSB Fund supports socially engaged students who want to further develop themselves by gaining knowledge and experience abroad.
VSB Fund: 'Foreign experience contributes to a more open-minded view of one's surroundings, encouraging people to be more receptive to diversity. VSBfonds selects students who already demonstrate involvement in their community. By rewarding this, we expect that their involvement will continue to play a role in their future lives. They are the initiators of future social and cultural initiatives. Together, we make the Netherlands a bit more beautiful.'
Students graduating from vocational education (MBO, level 1, 2, 3 or 4); only available for students from a limited number of MBO institutions that collaborate with VSB Fund.
A maximum of € 4,000. The final amount of the scholarship depends on the study plan and budget.
For students with disabilities, it is possible in some cases to receive a higher scholarship amount.
- only available for students from a limited number of MBO institutions that collaborate with VSB Fund;
- the applicant holds the Dutch nationality;
- the applicant is at least 18 years old;
- the plan/study abroad is not a mandatory part of your study;
- the plan/study abroad is socially relevant;
- the plan/study abroad travel lasts at least two weeks;