
121, rue de Lille
75007 Paris
Atelier Néerlandais is an association founded by the Dutch Embassy in Paris, France in 2014. Members are cultural and creative entrepreneurs with a link to the Netherlands who wish to intensify their international position, especially in France.
Date(s) Sort ascending | Artist | Type | Discipline | Title |
Irving Vorster | Presentation | Fashion & Textile | Irving Vorster showroom | |
Frank Veurink | Presentation | Fashion & Textile | Frans Veurink – Vue d’Or | |
Irving Vorster | Presentation | Fashion & Textile | CON -TOUR-NOIR I | |
We Are Muze | Presentation | Fashion & Textile | WE ARE MUZE Presentatie “A Cheryl” | |
Bono van Peursem | Presentation | Fashion & Textile | Bono van Peursem showroom | |
TOS gallery | Presentation | Fashion & Textile | Showroom TOS Gallery | |
TextileLab Amsterdam | Presentation | Fashion & Textile | Presentaties ‘Future scenarios’ & Bio meets Digital | |
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Paris | Manifestation | Literature | Le Boekenbal 2018 | |
ArtEZ | Conference | Fashion & Textile | Ronde tafel – textile professionals | |
BlueCity Lab | Conference | Fashion & Textile | Ronde tafel – textile professionals | |
- | Waag Futurelab | Group Exhibition | Fashion & Textile | Bio Meets Digital (Biotech numérique) |
- | Diana Scherer | Group Exhibition | Fashion & Textile | Bio Meets Digital (Biotech numérique) |
- | Studio Tjeerd Veenhoven | Group Exhibition | Fashion & Textile | Bio Meets Digital (Biotech numérique) |
- | The Fabricant | Group Exhibition | Fashion & Textile | Bio Meets Digital (Biotech numérique) |
- | Amber Jae Slooten | Group Exhibition | Fashion & Textile | Bio Meets Digital (Biotech numérique) |
- | Officina Corpuscoli | Group Exhibition | Fashion & Textile | Bio Meets Digital (Biotech numérique) |
- | Aniela Hoitink | Group Exhibition | Fashion & Textile | Bio Meets Digital (Biotech numérique) |
- | Iris van Herpen | Group Exhibition | Fashion & Textile | Bio Meets Digital (Biotech numérique) |
- | Cecilia Raspanti | Group Exhibition | Fashion & Textile | Bio Meets Digital (Biotech numérique) |
- | Victor de Bie | Solo Exhibition | Visual Arts | Expositie ‘Potasser et Cartonner’ Victor de Bie |
Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Paris | Debate | Urban Planning | Debat “La recharge transfrontalière” | |
Stientje van Veldhoven | Debate | Urban Planning | Debat “La recharge transfrontalière” | |
Dutch Foundation for Literature | Workshop | Literature | Workshop literair vertalen Nederlands-Frans | |
- | Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Paris | Urban Planning | Symposium: ‘Stations of the Future’ | |
- | Benthem Crouwel Architects | Urban Planning | Symposium: ‘Stations of the Future’ |