Merits (2023)
Herengracht 476
1017 CB Amsterdam
The foundation’s mission is to support cultural and nature preservation projects in the Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles (Curaςao, Bonaire, St. Maarten, St. Eustatius, Saba) and Aruba. The Cultuurfonds emphasizes artistic excellence and educational initiatives. The Cultuurfonds was founded in London in 1940 by Prince Bernhard, late father of Queen Beatrix, the present queen, to buy war material for the British and Dutch Governments. It continued after the war as ‘Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds’ aimed at rebuilding the war torn cultural life in the Netherlands. eadquartered on the Herengracht canal in Amsterdam, the foundation has 12 local branches, one in each of the Dutch provinces. There is also a separate Distribution Committee for projects in the Caribean part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
See also: Trial project: Inventory of Russian regional collections (Project) The Dutch reformed church in St.-Petersburg (Project) Frederik Ruysch anatomic specimens: First natural-scientific collections of the Kunstkamera (Project)