Andrea Posthuma
Advisor MEDIA - Creative Europe
a.posthuma [at] creativeeuropedesk.nl

Mapping Netherlands: Film - Institutions

Mapping Netherlands: Film - Institutions

EYE Film Instituut Nederland
EYE Film Institute Netherlands
EYE Film Institute Netherlands, the Dutch centre for film culture and heritage, is dedicated to developing a vigorous film culture in the Netherlands. Through its activities and services, EYE aims to foster a viable film industry in the Netherlands and to promote Dutch film at home and abroad.

EYE International
EYE International
EYE International helps Dutch producers to develop a festival and marketing strategy keeps film festivals over the world informed about developments in contemporary Dutch film, lobbies strongly for Dutch film during the selection processes at the major film festivals in Berlin, Sundance, Cannes, Locarno, Venice and San Sebastian, and provides logistical support for the transportation of film prints to numerous other film festivals.

Boekman Foundation
The Boekman Foundation collects and disseminates knowledge and information about the arts and culture in both policy and practice. It stimulates research and the development of opinion on the production, distribution and take-up of the arts and on national and international policy on the arts and culture.

Mapping Netherlands: Film