Andrea Posthuma
Advisor MEDIA - Creative Europe
a.posthuma [at] creativeeuropedesk.nl

Mapping Netherlands: Film - Advocacy

Mapping Netherlands: Film - Advocacy


Nederlandse Beroepsvereniging van Film- en televisiemakers (NBF)
Dutch Association of Film and TV Professionals
The Dutch Association of Film and TV professionals is the oldest professional association in the mediafield in the Netherlands. The NBF represents all disciplines in the film- and television area, and is a service association for employees as well as employers.

Dutch Directors Guild
Dutch Directors Guild
The Dutch Directors Guild is an union of Dutch film, documentary and TV directors and supports their individual and collective interests. By doing so, the union aims to strengthen the professional practice within the work field. The union furthermore cooperates with various national and international partners.

Netwerk Scenarioschrijvers
Network of Screenwriters
The Network of Screenwriters serves the collective and individual interests of screenwriters in the field of film, television, and new media.

Federatie van Kunstenaarsverenigingen
Federatie van Kunstenaarsverenigingen (website in Dutch)
The Federation of Artists' Associations is an association of 15 professional and trade organizations of artists and contributes to the development of art and artists policy in the Netherlands.

Federatie Cultuur
Federatie van Werkgeversverenigingen in de Cultuur (website in Dutch)
The Federation Culture brings together branch and employers' associations in the following sectors: performing arts, museums, libraries, art centers, venues and arts.

Kunsten ’92
Kunsten ’92
With members from all disciplines, Kunsten ’92 is the association representing the interests of the entire artistic, cultural and heritage sector in the Netherlands. With one voice, it works to improve the social and political climate for art and culture and its most important aim is a robust culture sector.

FNV KIEM is a union that aims to care for the interests of its members: employees, freelancers and self-employed people working in the graphic, publishing, audiovisual, packaging or art sectors. The union provides legal assistance and trainings.

CNV Vakmensen
CNV Vakmensen
CNV Vakmensen (Professionals) is member of the National Federation of Christian Trade Unions (CNV) in The Netherlands. The union promotes better work opportunities, working conditions and participation, social security, environment, education and training for the members, both on national and international level. The department for Arts and Culture represents those working in the arts and culture sector.


Mapping Netherlands: Film