How to fund your artistic project abroad? Cultural Mobility Funding Guide 2019-2020


How to fund your artistic project abroad? Cultural Mobility Funding Guide 2019-2020

In collaboration with On the Move, the DutchCulture Mobility Info Point is proud to present the updated Cultural Mobility Funding Guide.

What is the scope of the Cultural Mobilty Funding Guide 2019-2020?

The Cultural Mobility Funding Guide is limited to funding opportunities for cultural mobility, meaning activities with an explicit international component, such as residencies, international exchanges, international event participation, exploration and research, market development and touring incentives. This means that almost all listings concern project-based funding opportunities: activities with a clear starting and ending date. All opportunities listed have either regular or ongoing application deadlines, so no one-off open calls.

Funding opportunities for activities executed exclusively in the Netherlands are not included. Nor are structural four-year funding programs by national and local governments that might also allow Dutch organizations to realize international activities.

What is new in the 2019-2020 edition?

All 45 entries from the 2017 edition have been reviewed to make sure the information is up to date. Furthermore, 40 new entries have been added to the 2019 edition, thus listing a total of 85 funding opportunities for cultural mobility.

Other Cultural Mobilty Funding Guides

Did you know that our guide is one of a total of 60 Cultural Mobility Funding Guides that are available worldwide? Each lists its country's or region's specific funding opportunities for international travel and exchange for artists and cultural professionals. You can find them all collected on the website of On the Move.

Of course, there is always room for improvement. Do you know of other opportunities that might be added to the guide, or do you notice a mistake or inaccuracy? Please let us know at

Do you still have questions about available funding, or wish to talk to someone about what opportunities might be most fitting for your international ambitions? Contact us at

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