Josine Backus
Advisor - Focal Countries | Brazil
j.backus [at] dutchculture.nl

[Open Call] Olympic cultural programme in Rio de Janeiro for Dutch performing artists

Coletivo Pi performs during the "Maratona Cultural Cidade Olímpica" in 2015 at the National Museum of Fine Arts in Rio de Janeiro

[Open Call] Olympic cultural programme in Rio de Janeiro for Dutch performing artists

Experienced musicians, dancers and theatre producers are invited to apply for an exchange programme with Brazilian colleagues before 21 March

The Netherlands is among the countries invited by Brazil to contribute to the Olympic cultural programme in Rio de Janeiro. The Dutch national culture funds, Dutch Performing Arts (on behalf of Fonds Podiumkunsten) and DutchCulture are responsible for the Dutch programming. On the Brazilian side, the international performing arts festival TEMPO takes the lead. The festival works closely together with other cultural festivals and organizations in Rio de Janeiro.

The goal of the Olympic cultural programme is to create innovative collaborations between 10 Dutch and 10 Brazilian artists in various disciplines. Together they will create new works, which will be presented during several presentations and a large-scale presentation during the final day of the project.

Apply for the Olympic cultural programme
Dutch Performing Arts is looking for innovative 'mid-career' performing artists, who already have a strong convincing portfolio, in the fields of music, dance and theatre. The programme takes place in the run-up to the Olympics, from 11-31 July 2016. More information about the application and selection process can be found on Dutch Performing Arts.

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