Josine Backus
Advisor - Focal Countries | Brazil
j.backus [at] dutchculture.nl

Workshop Irma Boom in Brazil

Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty, Brazil.

Workshop Irma Boom in Brazil

The vibrant Brazilian graphic tradition and the exceptional Dutch print culture meet at the biggest literary festival in Brazil.

From 1-5 July 2015, at Brazil's largest literary festival Flip or Festa Literária Internacional de Paraty, the recurrent Literary Workshop concentrates this year on book design. The workshop - held in partnership with the Dutch Foundation for Literature (Nederlands Letterenfonds) - promotes a dialogue between the vibrant Brazilian graphic tradition and the exceptional Dutch print culture.

The designers Irma Boom and Elaine Ramos share their creative and technical processes with the selected participants of the workshop. The workshop's objective is to get acquainted with two different approaches of the book as an art object, both in its industrial and craft aspects.

Irma Boom from the Netherlands is known for her daring projects, that test the limits and dimensions of the printed book in the age of the electronic book and often present themselves as true graphic manifests. Dozens of her works make up important international collections such as the one of the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York. Elaine Ramos is director Art of Brazilian editor Cosac Naify and part of the Alliance Graphique Internationale. Responsible for award-winning experimental editions, she supervises the visual language of the publisher and edits its graphic design line.

In its 13th edition in 2015, Flip is now the most important literary event in Brazil. Paraty, the city where it takes place - three hours from both São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro - has been founded in the mid-seventeenth century and is considered national heritage. The guest list is relevant and diverse, ranging from established international writers, some Nobel Prize winners, to young Brazilian writers.

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