We look at Dutch international cultural activities in 2022, and explore how artists are finding their 'new orbit', after 2 years of athering restrictions.
Our Lord in the Attic Museum is the Dutch candidate for the European Heritage Label. The results on its candidacy are expected at the end of this year.
We had a chat with Goldkimono about the international artistic practice of this the singer-songwriter who has been nominated for the Music Moves Europe Award.
Far from being a luxury or a holiday, an artist residency can be a tool for re-imagining and re-structuring the ecology of art, especially in critical times.
DutchCulture and Cobra Museum invited four young Moroccan and Dutch-Moroccan artists to shine their light on 'The Other Story' and on what art means to them.
On October 8, the Futurium in Berlin hosts a programme on the skill of 'using' the future. Dutch futures are well represented by various museums and thinkers.