Film festivals worldwide have joined forces and present a free online festival on YouTube to be held 29 May - 7 June.
Welke impact heeft Covid-19 op jong filmtalent?
How can art help us in pandemic times? Since the corona outbreak, initiatives have been launched putting art forward as pillar of consolation and encouragement.
Donderdag 14 mei (14.00 tot 15.00 uur)
How do different metropolises deal with the corona pandemic and the value of arts & culture in these cities? A series organised together with Pakhuis de Zwijger
Freemuse’s new report State of Artistic Freedom 2020 is an in-depth analysis of 711 acts of violations of artistic freedom in 2019 in 93 countries.
Have a look at the following artists and Artist in Residence programmes in the Netherlands and their take on the current corona crisis.
An interview with visual artist Moritz Ebinger about his residency in Surinam, corona and its effects on the Surinamese economy and cultural field.
TransArtists interviewed the director of Cité internationale des arts in Paris about the importance of art, artists and partnerships in times of COVID-19.
The Amsterdam Museum is making an exhibition about the impact of COVID-19 on the city of Amsterdam and the daily life of its inhabitants.
Deadlines voor Ace, The Animation Workshop, Cinekid Script LAB & Sources 2
Nieuwe deadline: 28 mei 2020 (17.00 uur)
The choir is sharing the performances in the hope of bringing a positive message into the world, connecting audiences worldwide in this 150-days online event.
Dutch National Opera is scaling up their opera streaming services through the European OperaVision network.
Even though the Eurovision Song Contest will not take place in Rotterdam this year, artificial intelligence offers an alternative for sharing songs with Europe.
Minister van Engelshoven kondigde een steunpakket aan van 300 miljoen euro. Wat houdt het pakket in, en wat betekent dit voor de sector?