Under the title 'New Dutch Writing', Dutch literature will be presented at more than seventy festivals and events in the United Kingdom and Ireland.
Follwing the visit of the King and Queen of the Netherlands, Dutch authors are presenting their work in Brandenburg.
Regisseur Rob Lücker heeft vrijdagavond een Gouden Kalf gewonnen
Four heritage experts from New York discussed the multiplicity of perspectives on Dutch colonial history through the DutchCulture visiting programme.
After receiving the Dutch theatre award De Gouden Krekel, 'Martin Luther King' will be shown at the Gavroche International Festival in Moscow this weekend.
After packing out the numbers and illustrating the trends and developments per country; we take a final look at Dutch cultural activities in 2018 worldwide.
Beyond Tokyo - the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Japan strategically focused its cultural activities on Kyoto in 2018.
GoShort, IDFA en IFFR gehonoreerd
Deadlines: 13 november 2019 en 12 mei 2020
Europese Commissie publiceert checklist
Publicatie met een overzicht van MEDIA-gesteunde initiatieven voor de audiovisuele sector.
Presentatie tijdens het Reeperbahn Festival in Hamburg
24 september 2019 in Brussel