Josine Backus
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j.backus [at] dutchculture.nl

Blogpost 4 Brazil-Netherlands Student Workshop Museum Management

Students Lisa and Leo talk to Dutch Minister of Culture, Education & Science Jet Bussemaker about the workshop

Blogpost 4 Brazil-Netherlands Student Workshop Museum Management

Preparing the seminar presentation

During a two-day workshop in Rio de Janeiro on 10 and 11 August, four Brazilian and four Dutch students design together a brand new museum concept. The students present the results at the seminar Brazil-Netherlands Exchange on Managing Public Cultural Spaces on 12 August. The teaching staff consists of Giep Hagoort, professor emeritus Art & Economics at University Utrecht, and Rosane Carvalho, museologist and coordinator of the Museums Management MBA at Candido Mendes University in Rio. Both the workshop and the seminar are organized by FGV and DutchCulture.

11 August: preparing the seminar presentation
Student Rick: “Olá! Today as a starter we visited the – nearly finished – new science museum Museu do Amanhã or Tomorrow’s Museum. We were toured around with construction helmets and boots on, and got an explanation on the sustainable aspects of the museum. It's a very modern building that has some state of the art technical facilities.

After the tour we went to the museum next to it: Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR) or Rio’s Art Museum. Here we continued working on the workshop assignments with the Brazilian students. Minutes after arrival we had the honour of receiving the Dutch minister of Education, Culture & Science Jet Bussemaker who showed an interest in the subjects we were working on. After that we had a long day of preparing and rehearsing our presentation for the seminar and processing the feedback that the panel of museum directors gave to us. Paulo Herkenhoff from MAR joined the panel with Karin van Gilst (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam) and Rob van Hattum (Science Center Nemo).

As I am writing this blog we are working on the finishing touches of our presentation.

A bit nervous but certain of our cause tomorrow..


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