DutchCulture's recent publication focuses on strengthening cultural cooperation with our neighbouring country Belgium. In our Cultural Funding Guide Belgium and the Netherlands 2024, you will find a variety of public and private funding opportunities tailored to Dutch-Belgian cultural projects available for professionals, makers and organisations. This guide was created for the symposium Entrepreneurship and Funding in the Dutch and Belgian Cultural Sector together with the Netherlands Embassy in Brussels.
Open calls
It is important to know that the Embassy organises several open calls for financial support for all disciplines. Per year, around 40 cultural collaborations between Belgium and the Netherlands are funded. All disciplines are welcome, however, there will be a focus on projects relating to visual art, performing arts, cultural heritage, and creative industries (especially fashion, architecture and design). Multidisciplinary projects are very welcome too, as well as projects focusing on participation, inclusion and cross-border exchange. Cultural projects in the whole of Belgium can be supported, in particular those taking place in Wallonia and the Euregion. Don’t miss out on the next deadline on 4 March 2024.