In the spotlight: grant scheme available for Dutch-German cultural collorations
Projects for all target audiences are welcome. The budget from the Cultural Participation Fund is €100.000, which is doubled by the German Soziokultur Fund. You can apply for a maximum of €25.000 per project.
Applications can be submitted from 13 January until 2 March 2020, using the ‘My Fund’ section of the Cultural Participation Fund's website. If you have any questions about the grant scheme ‘Jonge Kunst’ or if you want to discuss your plans, please contact the Fund's advisor Lidian Fleers. You will find more information about the grant scheme and other funding possibilities here. This information is available in Dutch only.
In the spotlight
Are you a Dutch or Netherlands-based artist performing abroad in the (near) future and would you like to be in the spotlight? Send us an email with detailed information and two horizontal high res images. The editing team will make a selection and get back to you.
Check out the complete overview of Dutch cultural activities in Germany in our database. If you are a cultural professional who wants to go to Germany, feel free to contact our Germany advisor Renske Ebbers.