In the spotlight: 5th Istanbul Design Biennial Kitchen Programme - Open Call
Organised by İKSV, the Istanbul Foundation for Culture and Arts, and curated by Mariana Pestana, who works between Porto and London, the 5th Istanbul Design Biennial will take place from 26 September until 8 November 2020. The biennal will have the title Empathy Revisited: designs for more than one and artists from around the world are invited to respond to the open call. The biennial will comprise a Kitchen and an Observatory. The projects and events that revolve around the Kitchen will be selected amongst the open call submissions.
The open call is extended to all local or international practitioners and thinkers including designers, artists, writers, architects, curators, researchers, academics, food practitioners, cooks and culinary enthusiasts. The deadline to apply is 28 February 2020.

In the spotlight
Are you a Dutch or Netherlands-based artist performing abroad in the (near) future and would you like to be in the spotlight? Send us an email with detailed information and two horizontal high res images. The editing team will make a selection and get back to you.
Check out the complete overview of Dutch cultural activities in Turkey in our database.
If you are a cultural professional who wants to go to Turkey, feel free to contact our Turkey advisor Yasemin Bagci.