DutchCulture has been designated as a Cultural General Benefit Organisation (in Dutch: Culturele Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling, ANBI). This status gives a donor the opportunity to make use of the tax advantages of the Donation Act. DutchCulture is registered at the tax authorities under the name Dutch Center for International Cooperation.
Chamber of Commerce number: 54572320
RSIN / tax number: 8513.55.730.B.01
Postal address: DutchCulture, PO Box 15648, 1017 CA Amsterdam
Mrs Kirsten van den Hul
Supervisory Board
Mr Arthur van Dijk - chairman
King's Commissioner in the province of Friesland
Mrs Barbara Honrath - member
Director Goethe Institut Netherlands
Mr Hans van de Bunte - member
Director a.i. at Museum De Voorde in Zoetermeer
Mr Jacquill G. Basdew - member
Curator, multidisciplinary artist and cultural strategic advisor
Mrs Marloes Krijnen - member
Chairwoman of Amsterdam Art and Stichting Unbound
Mrs Marry de Gaay Fortman - member
Lawyer and partner at Houthoff