Astrid Mörk, Advisor - Germany I Belgium
Astrid Mörk
Advisor - Belgium | France | Germany | United Kingdom
a.moerk [at] dutchculture.nl

Cultural cooperation France-Netherlands 2025-2028

Cultural cooperation France-Netherlands 2025-2028

We are currently working on an update of this country page to align it with the new International Cultural Policy 2025-2028. Please be aware that the information below might be outdated.

Looking back: a focus on photography, literature, design, performance art, visual arts and societal issues 

In the last years, bridges have been built between the cultural scenes of the Netherlands and France and support has been provided to professionals and institutions from both countries in several disciplines. Cultural disciplines that received special attention were photography, literature, design, performance art and visual art. Dutch national funds, DutchCulture and other partners supported several cultural programmes in close collaboration with the Dutch embassy. Cultural initiatives were developed to promote arts and culture from the Netherlands and to strengthen cultural exchange and cooperation between the two countries. Examples of such events are Phares du Nord with Le Boekenbal, in collaboration with the Dutch Foundation for Literature, and Oh! Pays-Bas, a year-long multidisciplinary programme focusing on bringing innovative Dutch projects to France.

Besides paying extra attention to specific disciplines, the importance of socially engaged art and culture has increasingly been underlined. The partners have invested in cultural projects that address important questions on contemporary themes such as sustainability, colonial restitution and inclusivity. In the years to come there will be a continuous focus on connecting societal themes and the cultural field, and on supporting socially engaged projects.  

Momix Festival Poster, Eline van Dam, 'Zeelot', 2022.
Momix Festival Poster, Eline van Dam, 'Zeelot', 2022.
Eline van Dam

Looking forward: collaboration with cultural houses of other countries in France, city renewal, diversity and exploring beyond Paris 

The focus remains on visual arts, film (documentary), photography, design, performance art and literature. Artists from the Netherlands excel in these disciplines and the French cultural field shows a lot of interest in them. Extra attention will be given to multi-disciplinary and cross-over projects.  

Acting on the conviction that together you have a wider reach than alone, the embassy will actively partner up with cultural departments and cultural houses of other country embassies in France. The Dutch and Belgian embassies in Paris have already established a solid alliance.  

The Netherlands is also actively strengthening its network in the field of French-Dutch cultural heritage. Interesting examples of French-Dutch cultural heritage institutions in France are the Van Doesburghuis in Meudon-Val-Fleury and the Collège Néerlandais in Paris. Collaboration with these institutions and with other players that participate in the cultural heritage field will be reinforced.  

For some, Paris may seem the only place to be in France when it comes to cultural activities and a buzzing artistic climate, but times are changing and there is an active investment in cultural activities and projects in other cities in France as well. Places like Bordeaux, Lille, Strasbourg and Marseille have a rich cultural climate and many qualities that make them worthwhile arenas for international cultural cooperation with the Netherlands. Cities like these are addressing themes such as city renewal, diversity and cultural dialogue, which are topical themes in the Netherlands as well.  Moreover, the competition in Paris is tremendous, so it is worthwhile to look at opportunities for the Dutch cultural sector in other cities.

Information & advice

Would you like to receive more information regarding opportunities for cultural exchange with France? Feel free to contact our country advisor Astrid Mörk with your questions. 

Further reading