Josine Backus
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j.backus [at] dutchculture.nl

Cultural cooperation United States – Netherlands

Cultural cooperation United States – Netherlands

We are currently working on an update of this country page to align it with the new International Cultural Policy 2025-2028. Please be aware that the information below might be outdated.

A strong position for the Dutch cultural sector

Currently a strong position for the Dutch cultural sector in the U.S. will be pursued through visibility, exchange and sustainable cooperation, and the bilateral relationship between the Netherlands and the U.S. will be supported through Dutch cultural activities in the US. Cultural cooperation with the U.S. offers opportunities in all art disciplines. However, based on years of experience, an inventory of the quality of supply and demand and the available support from Dutch funds and institutions, the Dutch consulate in New York provides support especially to the following disciplines through either a proactive or a more reactive approach:

  • Proactive: Visual arts, creative industry (especially design and music), film (including documentary/VR/digital media), photography, international heritage cooperation, literature, multidisciplinary, performing arts (classical and contemporary music, popular music [pop, rock, Americana, global], theatre (especially youth), modern dance
  • Reactive: Creative industry (architecture, digital culture, gaming, fashion), Electronic (Dance) Music, Old Masters.

The U.S. is a large country with a very extensive and varied network of cultural institutions (approximately 113,000 across the country). New York remains the city with the greatest attraction for Dutch art and cultural expression. It is still the art centre of the world, with an unparalleled number of cultural institutions. The adage “If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere” still applies, whereby Dutch (and international) talent can measure itself against the best offer. In addition, the U.S. has a number of large cities offering opportunities for international exchange thanks to a strong and extensive cultural infrastructure, such as Los Angeles, Chicago and San Francisco. Finally, there are emerging cities and regions of importance for cooperation, such as Atlanta GA, Dallas TX, Detroit MI, Houston TX and Miami FL. Although New York continues to exert a very strong appeal, the aim is to achieve a more national spread for Dutch-American cultural cooperation.

International heritage cooperation

In the field of international heritage cooperation, the main focus is on New York City and New York State and the State of Michigan. The consulate general in New York works closely with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands, the National Archives of the Netherlands, and DutchCulture for knowledge exchange, capacity development and the digitization of the archives. In addition, the new connections with the Midwest provide opportunities for collaboration in the field of intangible heritage.

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