Anthonia Bloembergen Fund (Culture Fund)
Anthonia Bloembergen Fonds (Cultuurfonds)
Funding of publications and events related to France and scholarships for education abroad
The Anthonia Bloembergen Fund supports a variety of causes:
- Translations from French to Dutch;
- Publications or events related to France;
- Scholarships for talented graduates in the humanities for further study or research abroad;
The Anthonia Bloembergen Fund is a private fund and is part of the larger Culture Fund (the former Prince Bernhard Culture Fund). All applications are processed by the Culture Fund.
Who can apply
- Talented graduates in the humanities who have Dutch nationality or have been registered in the Netherlands for at least three years.;
- Publishers;
- Cultural organisations
For what
How much
Grant amounts range from €2,500 to €20,000 per application.
When to apply
Before a specific deadline
Applicants for scholarships should apply before 1 April.