Josine Backus
Advisor - Focal Countries | Brazil
j.backus [at] dutchculture.nl

Open call: Cultural Heritage Fund 2024 by the Dutch embassy in Brazil


Open call: Cultural Heritage Fund 2024 by the Dutch embassy in Brazil

Support for projects that conserve, document, sustainably manage & enhance the visibility of shared cultural heritage between the Netherlands and Brazil.

The Dutch embassy in Brazil has launched a call for proposals with the aim of supporting projects in Brazil in favour of the conservation, documentation, sustainable management and visibility of cultural heritage between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Brazil. Institutions from both countries can apply for funding.

Projects are judged on their ability to strengthen the identity and/or cultural heritage between the Kingdom of the Netherlands and Brazil, as well as generate knowledge about this heritage and/or its impact. The effects of the project on the locality where it will be implemented, such as interaction with the community, the availability of cultural activities and the stimulation of science and education, is also taken into account. Above all, the project's ability to guarantee the conservation and sustainable use of this heritage will be assessed.

The project must cover one or more of the following three topics:
•    Interaction with the living environment;
•    Impact of the Dutch presence in the country (colonial period or more recent)
•    Heritage (material or immaterial) built on Dutch influence


The deadline for submitting a project proposal is Sunday 4 August.

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