In this pilot of DC TV Talks, DutchCulture and Boekmanstichting created a programme about the dimension of sustainability in international cultural cooperation.
DutchCulture presents the third and final edition of Civic Council on European Democracy, this time adressing the Polish political setting.
DutchCulture presents Artists in Conversation: a dialogue between artists of different nationalities, exploring their perspectives on the cultural climate.
DutchCulture ging in Limburg virtueel in gesprek met de provincie, organisaties, makers en andere experts over internationaal samenwerken in het diepe zuiden.
Leading European artists and thinkers convene with citizens from Palermo, Sicily, to discuss how we can make our democracies function better.
Hoe vraag je Europese subsidies aan? Hoe vind je speellocaties in China? Makers met internationale ambities kwamen naar DutchCulture on Tour: Editie Brabant.
How do different metropolises deal with the corona pandemic and the value of arts & culture in these cities? A series organised together with Pakhuis de Zwijger