The world of animation is ever-expanding and Dutch creatives are assuming a leading role. A conversation with specialists in the sector.
MME consists of a funding programme, policy development, dialogue with the sector and a European award for popular music. How are things coming along so far?
Since the Middle Ages many people from the Low Countries have been going to the Baltic area. Their presence is still visible and audible today.
Italy stays what it has always been: an inviting, fertile and inspiring cultural context, especially for the design and performing arts sector.
The play Re:Creating Europe by ITA recently restaged at Manchester International Festival. Writer Michael Morpurgo gave an extraordinary speech to introduce it.
The annual Embassy Culture Days is one of the most important events for Dutch embassy employees - keeping them up-to-date and inspiring them with new ideas.
De laatste info over Creative Europe en Europe for Citizens, paneldiscussies en meer.
Over the years, Dutch cultural activities have reached considerable breadth and depth across the vast land and the world’s 2nd largest economy.
A year on the job is a series of interviews with cultural attachés about their experiences. This edition: Beate Gerlings in Germany.
France sometimes seems difficult to approach for Dutch artists. However, new initiatives are creating new possibilities for the Dutch cultural sector.
Ons jaarverslag 2018 staat online. Hierin laten we graag zien welke activiteiten we hebben georganiseerd en wie daarbij betrokken zijn geweest.
A year on the job is a series of interviews with cultural attachés about their experiences. This edition: Friso Wijnen in Paris.
Our seven years' experience with the Matching Fund has allowed us to compile a list of Dutch funds aimed at national and international heritage projects.
A year on the post is a series of interviews with cultural attachés about their experiences. This edition: Janette Verrijzer in Moscow.