A year on the post is a series of interviews with cultural attachés about their experiences. This edition: Janette Verrijzer in Moscow.
20 Nederlandse organisaties betrokken bij Europese geselecteerde cultuurprojecten.
How can the Dutch Creative Europe Desk best support Dutch regions in pursuing cultural internationalisation? A recent report outlines some possible strategies.
Dutch cultural export to Belgium is high. The proximity, shared language and history make it easy for Dutch artists to find their way to our neighbour.
Indonesia is an important partner country for the Netherlands. How popular is Indonesia as destination for Dutch cultural professionals?
A year on the post is a series of interviews with cultural attachés about their experiences. This edition: Joost Taverne in New York.
In totaal tien Europese projecten geselecteerd.
What are the strengths and limits of Dutch support to cultural development beyond national territory? Student Willemijn Hellenthal wrote a master's thesis.
These are the Minister’s main principles for the new (international) Cultural Policy and for DutchCulture.
Cultural policy officer Hajin Lee on the effects of the programme. “It was an inspiration and catalyst for broader cooperation between the two countries.”
Dutch youth films are doing very well abroad. An interview with the makers of the international award-winning movie 'Tess' about how this success came about.
Twelve new projects will receive support from DutchCulture’s Shared Cultural Heritage Matching Fund.
Experiencing DutchCulture with a foreign audience: the Never Grow Up! programme in the United States. Renske Ebbers visited 'Glimpse' by Oorkaan in New York.
The Atelier Néerlandais celebrates this June its fifth year anniversary. Time to highlight future ambitions.
Resultaten voor Automatische Distributie (call 05-2018) gepubliceerd