
Merits (2021)

1 international activity
35/143 ranking within discipline
0 international awards



Is sub organisation of
Centre for Global Heritage and Development
Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed
National Archives of the Netherlands
ICOMOS Netherlands
long description


Function: Managing Director Centre for Global Heritage and Development


Mara studied Archaeology and Prehistory in Amsterdam (VU, 1996-2001) and Melbourne (University of Melbourne, 2000). After finishing her Masters she worked as a guide in Italy, focusing on (pre)Roman heritage. After traveling six months through South America Mara started working for the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency (RCE) as an Archaeological Information Specialist (Archis, 2005). She also did a traineeship at the Centre for International Heritage Activities (CIE, 2008), researching the state of affairs of archaeological heritage management in the Dutch Caribbean.

Shared Cultural Heritage

In 2009 Mara got the opportunity to work for the Shared Heritage program of the Nationaal Archief and the Netherlands Cultural Heritage Agency. In the case of the Netherlands shared heritage usually refers to the era of the Dutch East and West India Company and to Dutch colonialism and migration in Asia, Africa, and the America's. Ambitions of the Shared heritage policy are directed towards stimulating preservation through development, capacity building, improving access to heritage and enhancing bilateral or multilateral cultural cooperation.

Centre for Global Heritage and Development

From 2014 Mara is working for the Centre for Global Heritage and Development, a cooperation between Leiden University, Delft Technical University and Erasmus University Rotterdam. The Centre stimulates multidisciplinary and innovative heritage research and education and is active in research-based consultancy.

Education: Archaeology