
Merits (2024)

4 international activities
10/81 ranking within discipline
0 international awards


Other name (in original language)
Nationaal Archief

Prins Willem Alexanderhof 20
2595 BE The Hague


long description

The National Archives of the Netherlands (Nationaal Archief), which is situated in The Hague, holds over 3.5 million records that have been created by the central government, organizations and individuals and are of national significance.

Many records relate to the colonial and trading history of the Netherlands in the period from 1600 to 1975. The Dutch presence in countries in North and South America, Africa and Asia is reflected within these collections.

Within International Heritage Cooperation, the goals of the National Archives are:

  • Expanding the National Archives’ international cooperation to stimulate international and interdisciplinary (historical) research.
  • Improving and enlarging the accessibility of international heritage archives by the digitization and online publication of relevant collections from the Netherlands and the partner countries.
  • Increasing the visibility and awareness of shared heritage/ history through digitization of international heritage archives, which is further underpinned by the National Archives’ national and international public programmes.
  • Advising and supporting Dutch and international heritage professionals and organisations in the field of restoration, conservation and the digitization of their archives.

For more information, please see the website of the National Archives.

See also: International Heritage Cooperation Programme at National Archives