In the spotlight: Dutch youth theatre at Hakawy Festival, Egypt and Belfast Children's Festival

'Farewell' ('Vaarwel') by Malou van Sluis.
Moon Saris
Performing Arts

In the spotlight: Dutch youth theatre at Hakawy Festival, Egypt and Belfast Children's Festival

The Hakawy Festival for Chrildren in Egypt and Belfast Children's Festival present a Dutch focus with 15 performances from the Netherlands.
By Dutch Performing Arts

Hakawy International Arts Festival for Children brings together a wide range of performances from all over the world geared to young audiences. The performances are presented over the course of ten days, with the goal to educate and entertain Egyptian children and their families through arts and culture. This 10th edition, the festival presents eleven international productions for young audiences, including the Dutch focus and an American focus, an Egyptian focus, and a variety of talks and workshops. Dutch companies Simone de Jong, Arch8/Erik Kaiel, and Malou van Sluis are featured in the Dutch focus. They will be going on tour to Cairo, Minya and Alexandria.

At Belfast Children's Festival is an annual international festival for children aged 0-17 years and their families. Events take place both in and out of school time for schools, groups and families to attend. For its 22nd edition the festival presents a Dutch focus programme with a total of seven performances.

'Tetris' by Arch8/Erik Kaiel. Photo: Arch8/Erik Kaiel
Arch8/Erik Kaiel


Simone de Jong Company — Hermit (Kluizenaar) for ages 2+

  • 2 March 2020 at 10:00 & 12:00, Jesuites El-Minya, Minya
  • 5 March 2020 at 11:00 & 17:30, Hanager Arts Center, Cairo
  • 6 March 2020 at 13:30, Megawra in Cairo

Arch8/Erik Kaiel — No Man is an Island for ages 6+

  • 6 March 2020 at 18:15, Jesuites Alexandria, Alexandria
  • 7 March 2020 at 16:00, Hanager Arts Center, Cairo
  • 8 March 2020 at 9:30 & 12:00, Hanager Arts Center, Cairo

Arch8/Erik Kaiel — Rising Tide for ages 8+

  • 6 March 2020 at 18:30, Jesuites Alexandria, Alexandria
  • 7 March 2020 at 16:15, Hanager Arts Center, Cairo
  • 8 March 2020 at 10:00 & 12:15, Hanager Arts Center, Cairo

Malou van Sluis — Farewell (Vaarwel) for ages 2+

  • 10 March 2020 at 9:30 & 11:30, Falaki Theatre, Cairo

Simone de Jong Company — Hermit (Kluizenaar) for ages 2+

  • 10 & 11 March 2020 at 18:30, The MAC

Arch8/Erik Kaiel — Tetris for ages 5+

  • 11 March 2020 at 19:15, The MAC

Theatergroep Kwatta — Jabberbabble for ages 6+

  • 10 & 11 March 2020 at 10:00 & 11:45, Brian Friel Theatre, QUB

The Dutch focus at Hakawy International Arts Festival for Children is supported by Dutch Performing Arts and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Egypt. Find the original article about Hakawy Festival by Dutch Performing Arts here. The Dutch focus at Belfast Children's Festival is also supported by Dutch Performing Arts.

In the spotlight

Are you a Dutch or Netherlands-based artist performing abroad in the (near) future and would you like to be in the spotlight? Send us an email with detailed information and two horizontal high res images. The editing team will make a selection and get back to you.

Check out the complete overview of Dutch cultural activities in Egypt in our database.

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