During Queer & Pride Amsterdam, we invited Nijiiro Diversity and Pride Center Osaka to learn about Dutch endeavours in LGBTQ+ rights exchange with Dutch peers.
The June EU elections are crucial for the future of the continent. In an interview series, we reflect on the role of culture in Europe. #3: Herbert-Jan Hiep.
The June EU elections are crucial for the future of the continent. In an interview series, we reflect on the role of culture in Europe. #1: Kirsten van den Hul
In July, we organised in collaboration with Female Economy the Morocco edition: watch the very intimate and lively dialogue between like-minded artists.
Watch the video of our online programme about Dutch-South African artistic co-creation: Considering the present, acknowledging the past, looking to the future.
A yearly event by the EUNIC Netherlands cluster, this year European writers and poets reflect on the effect of the war in Ukraine on Europe’s past and future.
In samenwerking met Explore the North, Keunstwurk en Provincie Fryslân organiseren we een evenement voor culturele organisaties en makers uit Noord-Nederland.
From 15 April until 18 September 2022, the museum in Amstelveen shows Moroccan art in 'The Other Story'. DutchCulture is partner and hosted the opening.
Werken als artiest, kunstenaar of danser in Groot-Brittannië is er sinds Brexit niet eenvoudiger op geworden. Deze podcast helpt je met de voorbereiding.
Op 22 februari organiseerden we met Kunstloc Brabant een evenement voor culturele organisaties en makers van alle disciplines uit de provincie Noord-Brabant.
In a new edition of the series Artists in Conversation, artists from Germany and the Netherlands exchange insights on the cultural climate in both countries.