The European Union has formulated a common strategy for international cultural relations. This is also advantageous for the Netherlands.
De EU ontwikkelt plannen voor een nieuwe culturele strategie. DutchCulture onderzoekt in een serie van 5 artikelen hoe Nederland daar ook van kan profiteren.
Nederlandse focus bij twaalfde editie Europese kunstbiënnale Manifesta
De EU ontwikkelt plannen voor een nieuwe culturele strategie. DutchCulture onderzoekt in een serie van 5 artikelen hoe Nederland daar ook van kan profiteren.
The two countries will continue deepening cultural cooperation and exchanges as well as sharing knowledge, information and professional expertise.
The second edition of the Forum on European Culture, 31 May-3 June 2018 in Amsterdam, was a huge success. DutchCulture, De Balie and 10 venues joined forces.
In May, StreetDeets Inc., together with the New York Public Library and the Brooklyn Public Library, organised a bike tour along Dutch farmhouses in Brooklyn.
On 27 April (King’s Day in the Netherlands) the National Archives of Australia and of the Netherlands announced a strengthened partnership.
To promote shared cultural heritage between Brazil and the Netherlands, a special Game Jam will take place in Recife in July.
For ‘South Sulawesi Reconsidered’, researcher Maarten Hidskes is travelling to Indonesia to speak with descendants, veterans and academics about a painful past.
Photographer Luuk Kramer travelled to Japan in April to photograph historical waterworks designed by Dutch engineers for his project on water-related heritage.
This month, the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands presented the municipality of Hirado with an advisory report, the result of an earlier workshop.
This April, a festive programme was organised to commemorate the 300th anniversary last year of the Dutch Reformed Church in St. Petersburg.
In May, the Shared Cultural Heritage project NZASM Footsteps Along the Tracks received South Africa’s highest award for architecture.
In May 2018, archivists from the National Archives of the Netherlands visited the National Archives of Sri Lanka, with plans to digitise archives in Colombo.
On May 5th, the New York State Museum opened an ongoing exhibition highlighting never-before-displayed artefacts from the 17th-century fortress Fort Orange.
Dutch contributions to the #AZA18 conference held at 012Central in Pretoria in May 2018.
The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands developed the app ‘Maritime Stepping Stones’ with information on Dutch shipwrecks throughout the world.
From 18 June to 6 July 2018, art and heritage professionals from Indonesia and South Africa are visiting the Netherlands for knowledge-exchange.
The latest and final book in the Rijksmuseum’s Country Series explores the shared history between Suriname and the Netherlands since 1600.