A symposium in Amsterdam on June 21st will explore the idea, production and circulation of Indonesian modern art in relation to the country’s colonial past.
DutchCulture joined forces with IETM and On the Move to produce a new toolkit for fairer international collaborations in the arts.
Negen Nederlandse sprekers bij Festival Path 2018.
In 2018 wordt het Nederlands-Turks kindercultuurprogramma Genc Kultur georganiseerd. Op deze pagina vindt u een overzicht van alle activiteiten.
DutchCulture brengt makers in beeld die internationaal gaan. Deze keer operaregisseur Jorinde Keesmaat.
DutchCulture en De Balie organiseren de tweede editie van Forum on European Culture onder de titel Act for Democracy!
A lot of research in the heritage field is being done by interns, but may go unnoticed. The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands highlights two examples.
Preparatory research was done in Suriname for an upcoming film in honour of artist Nola Hatterman.
Dutch heritage professionals work together with locals in Colombo for a new tour app that makes shared and Sri Lankan heritage accessible.
A new documentary film tells the story behind Dutch architectural heritage in Siberia and brings collections to a broader audience.
DutchCulture brengt makers in beeld die internationaal gaan. Deze keer fotograaf Ellis Doeven.
In March, the renowned Dutch maritime archaeologist Martijn Manders visited Australia to strengthen cooperation in the field of maritime heritage.
Voor vertalingen van en naar één van de officiële talen van EU, het Latijn en het Oudgrieks. Deadline is 23 mei 2018.
A 10-month cultural institute that promotes Dutch culture and design in Saga.
European Roots and Shoots - Art Moves Cities
DutchCulture tours universities and universities of applied sciences to teach classes on international cultural collaboration.
DutchCulture brengt makers in beeld die internationaal gaan. Deze keer indie-folk band Rosemary & Garlic.
The Dirk Hartog Plate, the oldest European object ever found on Australian soil, has travelled to Australia and is now safely back in its resting place.
In January, a group of Dutch museum and heritage professionals travelled to Indonesia to discuss collaboration on museum management training.