Merits (2022)
Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5
2595 BE The Hague
The DEN Foundation (Digitaal Erfgoed Nederland / Digital Heritage Netherlands) is the Dutch knowledge center for digital heritage. DEN supports archives, museums and other heritage institutions to improve their digital strategies and services. The sharing of knowledge of and experiences with ICT is a core mission of DEN. Furthermore, DEN encourages the institutions to invest in open technology, to implement ICT-standards and to make use of other tools that contribute to sustainable information services. DEN: maintains a knowledge base on digital heritage to promote relevant ICT standards and share information on basic and best practices monitors the achievements of the Dutch heritage institutions and encourages them to participate in innovative projects organises expert meetings, workshops and conferences to support cross-sectoral co-operation is an active partner in national and international heritage and research communities is a member of the core committee for the technical development of Europeana, and a core member of the ENUMERATE project See also: Marco de Niet (Expert)