Voor DutchCulture on Tour: editie Noord-Nederland vertellen 3 professionals uit de Nederlandse cultuursector over de internationale ambities van hun praktijk.
Five Dutch designers present their work during the 5th Design Biennial in Istanbul, which is taking place on- and offline between 26 September and 8 November.
Cinekid Leeuw voor Beste Kinderfilm voor Calamity van Rémi Chayé
Een overzicht van Europese steunmaatregelen
Een vooruitblik van het Europese Onderzoeks- en Innovatieprogramma 2021 - 2027
Cinekid, Go Short, IDFA, IFFR en Movies that Matter gehonoreerd
This year's edition was dedicated to the contribution of Europe to Brasília's modernist architecture
Valuable documents have been found in Moscow witnessing the story of Soviet prisoners of war held in the Amersfoort concentration camp in the Netherlands.
Multidisciplinary collaboration in the theme of ‘inclusivity and innovation’, celebrating 60 years of Dutch-South Korean diplomatic ties.
Theatre collective Nineties presents a play in hybrid form, celebrating the passing of things as the global pandemic has shaken the cultural sector to its core.
Een overzicht van het internationaal cultuurbeleid voor de provincies Groningen, Drenthe en Friesland voor makers met internationale culturele ambities.
On 30 September, 422 years after the Dutch landed on Mauritius, an online transfer of scans of archival documents on the history of Dutch Mauritius took place.
How the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands uses oral histories in the research about and management of shared maritime heritage.
Dien je project uiterlijk 23 oktober 2020 in
Deadline voor aanmelden: 27 november 2020
In August the Curaçao slave register and emancipation registers were published on the websites of the National Archives of Curaçao and of the Netherlands.
Alexandra van Kleef of the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands shares her work experience of adapting to our current challenging times.
We dive into the international events that Dutch artists and cultural organisations participated in and produced in 2019.