A live dual interview with comic artists Dido rachman (NL) and Christian Durieux (B) about working together and the connection between Belgium and Netherlands.
In this publication we show the added value of our visitors programmes, such as building lasting relationships, and highlight some of the most rewarding visits.
We look at Dutch international cultural activities in 2022, and explore how artists are finding their 'new orbit', after 2 years of athering restrictions.
Our Creative Europe Advisor Julie Boodt explains how the European Commission is planning on realising the ambitions of the New European Bauhaus programme.
From 22 August to 1 September the CED will visit the ABC islands to meet with makers and organisations and give workshops about European funding opportunities.
In samenwerking met Explore the North, Keunstwurk en Provincie Fryslân organiseren we een evenement voor culturele organisaties en makers uit Noord-Nederland.
As of 14 April, Almere will be the stage for the International Horticultural Exhibition Floriade Expo 2022, with a floating art pavilion by Studio Ossidiana.
Op 22 februari organiseerden we met Kunstloc Brabant een evenement voor culturele organisaties en makers van alle disciplines uit de provincie Noord-Brabant.
Esch is the European Capital of Culture in 2022. Tinker imagineers is designing the closing exhibition, we caught up with experience designer Itamar Naamani.
The latest edition of our Cultural Mobility Funding Guide 2021-2022 is out! Read more about funding for artistic projects in or outside the Netherlands.