Minister van Engelshoven kondigde een steunpakket aan van 300 miljoen euro. Wat houdt het pakket in, en wat betekent dit voor de sector?
There are still possibilities to exchange art and culture in an international context. The #CreativeEuropeAtHome campaign shows inspiring online activities.
Two books (in English and Dutch) have been published about the Netherlands Carillon in Arlington and this shared Dutch-North American history.
The Colonies of Benevolence in the Netherlands and Belgium have received the European Heritage Label.
The third edition of the Training Sharing Stories on Contested Histories is currently on hold due to the coronavirus pandemic.
The Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands welcomed the third batch of the Shared Heritage Studio on 11 March.
Five new projects received support from DutchCulture’s Shared Cultural Heritage Matching Fund.
In the midst of the global pandemic crisis the fund aimes at supporting imaginative cultural initiatives that reinforce European solidarity.
Following the letter to Minister van Engelshoven last week, the Culture Taskforce is calling for a relief fund for the sector
In navolging van de brief aan minister van Engelshoven van verleden week, roept de Taskforce Cultuur om een overbruggings- en garantiefonds voor de sector.
Tien Europese sites ontvangen het Europees Erfgoedlabel.
Het investerings­initiatief geeft de lidstaten toegang tot 37 miljard euro
Twee oproepen met een latere deadline vanwege corona
You are invited you to to join a discussion about the possible impact of COVID-19 on artistic and cultural interventions in public space.
Even though the Forum on European Culture 2020 has been postponed until later this year, you can still listen to the 2018 edition at home through four podcasts.
Vijf oproepen met latere deadline vanwege corona
Meld je aan als jurylid
Art in Times of Corona: DEN presents overview of digital cultural expressions and tips for cultural services now that physical presence has become impossible.
Nieuwe deadline voor oproep Europese cocreatie en coproductie uitgesteld naar 30 april 2020