The Netherlands and South Africa introduce a new co-fund for the film sector called Thuthuka. The first calls will be launched this autumn.
In this pilot of DC TV Talks, DutchCulture and Boekmanstichting created a programme about the dimension of sustainability in international cultural cooperation.
Louis Andriessen passed away on the first of July.
The Embassy and the Consulate-General of the Netherlands in Italy call for young Dutch designers to apply for EDIT Napoli. Deadline 31 July.
DutchCulture’s partner organisations The Netherlands Film Fund and the Creative Industries Fund NL offer a residency at the Van Doesburghuis in Meudon, Paris.
The Korean Foundation hosts the exhbition 'Versatile Volumes – The Best Dutch Book Designs Meet Korean Artists’ Books' from 23 June to 13 August 2021.
Atelier Néerlandais in Paris reopens with À propos – pandémie: de impact op kunst en kunstenaar, to be seen until 2 July.
The controversial Golden Coach is exhibited at Amsterdam Museum, featuring a public programme supported by DutchCulture's Matching Fund.
De VNJB staat open voor freelancers en journalisten in vaste dienst. Deadline 1 september.
DutchCulture presents the third and final edition of Civic Council on European Democracy, this time adressing the Polish political setting.
With support of the Dutch Embassy in Korea and Eye Film Museum, Cinematheque Seoul Art Cinema hosts a retrospective of Joris Ivens.
TransArtists presents Restructure and Connect; discussing the need to rethink existing art ecologies.
This is an open call for Netherlands-based artists, makers or cultural institutions to join the special collaborative programme. Deadline: 9 July.
On 13 May, the long-awaited Dutch film 'De Oost' premiered on Amazon Prime Video, featuring online educational programme De Wereld van de Oost.
In this publication, we look back at the past four years of Shared Cultural Heritage cooperation.
DutchCulture presents Artists in Conversation: a dialogue between artists of different nationalities, exploring their perspectives on the cultural climate.
Samenwerken met een kunstenaar van buiten de EU? Lees hier meer over het Europese inreisverbod en de uitzonderingen.
Drawing attention to mental health problems was the goal behind MINDSCAPES, an online and open space festival in Manchester showcasing Dutch artists.
After 10 years, DutchCulture is saying farewell to Europe for Citizens, which will now be housed at the Netherlands Enterprise Agency under the name of CERV.
Een overzicht en voorbeelden van het internationaal cultuurbeleid voor de provincie Zeeland in aanloop naar deze nieuwe editie van DutchCulture on Tour.